The Brickyard Battalion, the non-profit supporter's group for INDY ELEVEN.


The Brickyard Battalion and its affiliate group members mission is to create an inspiring fan environment and a groundswell of support for Indy Eleven. We will do this through fostering an increased level of passionate support through community events, gatherings and volunteerism. The BYB was created to enable community coordination and participation in activities that will lead to the eventual development of in-stadium support for our team on an unprecedented scale for a professional soccer team in Indianapolis and in the NASL.

I was a past President (4 years) and a founder at this registered non-profit with the state of Indiana.   We are very proud as we predate the professional team here in Indy, so we worked to help coalesce the soccer community well ahead of the announcement of the team.  We are a registered 501 c7 with the state, and manage a significant budget, give back to the community, and promote soccer culture.   We run regular board and planning meetings with over 50 volunteers, and a membership base of over 3,500 people.